Jewell Cares: The Power of Volunteering

Jewell Cares: The Power of Volunteering

As the holiday season approaches, many Chicagoans will begin looking for opportunities to get involved in their communities.

At Jewell Events Catering we value the enormous impact that volunteering has on one’s self and community and would like to share some opportunities for volunteerism and ways that you can get involved.

Volunteers serve an invaluable role in our communities, they deliver critical services such as fighting fires, responding to emergencies, delivering meals to homebound seniors, manning phone lines at domestic abuse centers, running after school and summer programs for children, organizing shelters and food banks, and helping at local church groups.

Volunteers help to keep our neighborhoods, streets, parks, rivers, green spaces and water clean and safe for everyone.
Volunteers build houses and schools, dig wells and repair vital infrastructure.

Volunteerism fosters relationship building and solidarity, it allows you to build a stronger community by engaging both
with the people with whom we live, work and serve.

Chicago Volunteer Resources

Chicago Cares 

This one-stop resource for volunteer opportunities in Chicago will set you up with any type of volunteer work for which you might be looking!


International networking site for Volunteer Positions, Internships and Full Time Work in a variety of Social Justice related fields. Always full of Chicago Based Volunteer Opportunities!

Volunteer Match

Much like Chicago Cares and Idealist … You enter the work you’re looking to do and up pops thousands of opportunities!

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