The Newberry Library: A Timeless Venue Nestled in the heart of Chicago, the Newberry Library stands as a beacon of history, culture, and timeless elegance. Established in 1887, this iconic institution has long been a sanctuary for scholars, historians, and book lovers alike. However, beyond its...

At Jewell Events Catering, we understand that planning a wedding can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. One of the keys to a successful and stress-free wedding is having a well-organized timeline. Below, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide to navigating your wedding timeline, ensuring...

At Jewell Events Catering, we're always on the lookout for innovative ways to elevate the dining experience for our clients. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our latest culinary addition that's sure to leave a lasting impression: the smoking gun. From cocktails to desserts, this...

As the snow melts away and flowers begin to bloom, the arrival of spring brings with it a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. It's the perfect time to infuse your events with fresh energy and vibrant flavors that capture the essence of the season. At...

Nestled in the heart of downtown Chicago, The Rookery Building stands as a timeless icon of architectural beauty and historical significance. With its stunning blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication, this iconic venue provides the perfect backdrop for unforgettable weddings and corporate events. And...

As the world gradually emerges from the grip of the pandemic and offices begin to reopen their doors, the return to the workplace brings with it a renewed sense of community and connection. At Jewell Contract Dining, we understand the importance of creating welcoming and...

At Jewell Events Catering, we believe that our greatest asset is our people. From our talented chefs and creative event planners to our dedicated service staff and behind-the-scenes team members, each and every one of our employees plays a vital role in bringing our vision...

This Thanksgiving, let us take the reins of your holiday feast, allowing you to savor every moment of togetherness with family and friends. With Jewell Events Catering, you can trust that your celebration will be a symphony of flavors, creativity, and warmth. Why Choose Jewell Events...

We are so excited to share our interview with Jordan from one of our favorite venue partners, The Geraghty. We loved learning more about their unique history and always enjoy catching up with industry professionals! If you are interested in hosting a special event at...

Calling all Chicago foodies! We are excited to announce our new Jewell To Go menu. Experience a wide variety of creative and tasty breakfast items, sandwiches, wraps, salads, protein bowls, box lunches and delicious hot buffets. Please connect with Marcy to place your next order...