15 Jul Jewell Cares: Covid-19 Event Day Safety Policies
In order to keep everyone safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19, Jewell Events Catering requires the following protective measures:
General Safety Policies
- Everyone entering the special event will be required to answer a COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire (provided by the City of Chicago). This includes all staff, catering staff, vendors, guests, security guard, cleaning crew, etc.
- The venue will be checking body temperature with Thermal Imaging Machine upon entry. This includes all venue staff, catering staff, vendors, guests, security guard, cleaning crew, etc. Anyone with a temperature over 100OF will be asked to exit.
- The Client will provide Jewell Events Catering with a full guest list for check in.
- Everyone in the venue will be required to wear a mask upon entry. Vendors are required to wear a mask at all times and gloves when coming in contact with guests and are required to change them frequently throughout the day and night. Guests may remove their masks ONLY while seated at their assigned seats.
- Anyone who exhibit signs or symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to leave. Additionally, we will post signage at the entrance stating that anyone with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter.
- Access to multiple washrooms and alcohol-based hand sanitizers will be provided to employees, vendors, and guests.
- Staff will ensure customers stay separated while waiting for seating and don’t congregate in waiting or bar areas.
- Ceremony Seating will be spaced with a minimum of one additional chair width between each chair. Rows will be double spaced to ensure social distancing.
- Additional Highboys and Cabaret Tables will be placed in the cocktail area to encouraged guests to not congregate around the bars.
- Dining Tables will be arraigned to maintain at least 6 – 8 feet of separation between tables.
- Dining Tables are limited to 8-10 guests maximum.
- Any food stations (buffets or dessert stations) will be attended and served by a Jewell Events Catering staff member. Guests will not be allowed to self-serve.
- Bars will have Plexiglas shield (2.5’x2’) in front of each bartender. Drinks will be passed under or around the shield. Guests must wear their mask while ordering from the bar.
- Jewell Events Catering ensures that no glasses will be refilled at the bar. If a used glass is brought to the bar guests will be instructed to leave their used glass on a drop table next to the bar.
- Jewell Events Catering will place signage that encourage hand hygiene at the entrance to the venue and in other areas where they are likely to be seen, to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
- The venue will perform more frequent cleanings of all high traffic areas and bathrooms.
- The venue & Jewell Events Catering are prepared to change our business practices if needed to maintain critical operations.
- Jewell Events Catering will modify the flow of traffic to minimize potential close contact with others.
Guest Self-Screening Questionnaire
- Have you had a body temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or have you used a fever reducer in the previous 24 hours to treat a body temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
- Do you have a new cough that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- Do you have a new or worsening sore throat that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- Do you have new shortness of breath that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- Have you recently developed a complete loss of smell or taste?
- Have you visited or traveled from a State on the Travel Ban list in the last 14 days?
For more information on our Covid-19 safety measures, check out our latest video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBIT2RnOnY4&ab_channel=JewellEventsCatering
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